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Topic 1
In healthcare, we preach about good heart healthy living, but we do not practice what we preach. Work schedules, different shifts and chronic understaffing make healthy living extremely difficult. The need to relax and take time out when you deal with serious illness is essential.
Topic 2
Are you being relevant and why are you doing what you are doing? Life is fun – surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you, who also generate life and energy. The clock is always ticking, are you moving ahead or slipping behind? We look at time from many angles.
Topic 3
Why do we feel like we never have enough time to do the things we want to do? Mostly it’s because we spend too much time trading time for money.? If you had the ability to live off your own resources would you still do the same things? Are you playing the wrong money game?
Topic 4
We in the United States report among the highest stress levels of any nation on the globe. Stress literally is killing us and we have the poorest health and shortest lifespan in any rich nation. Vitamin G can help. We will explore the value of nature and ‘wilderness’ for everyone.
Topic 5
Workaholics, either by choice or necessity, lack the time essential for building community, and the reflection and imagination necessary for each generation to fulfill its responsibility to the next. Effective treatment involves changing public policy, rethinking our economic paradigm and, most importantly, having the courage to undertake a personal journey of discovery.